Saturday, September 10, 2011

10 years since 9/11

Tomorrow will be the 10 year anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. I will continue to highlight those events of 2001 and beyond.

June 18, 2004
Paul Johnson, an employee of Lockheed Martin working on Apache attack helicopters in Saudi Arabia, who had been kidnapped in Riyadh on June 12, is beheaded by a group claiming ties to al Qaeda. Saudi security forces kill four suspected terrorists, including the man said to head the local al Qaeda organization.

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June 27, 2004
On its opening weekend Michael Moore's controversial film Fahrenheit 9/11 is the number one film in the country, with $21.8 million in ticket sales — instantly becoming the highest-grossing documentary of all time. The film, harshly critical of the Bush administration's response to the September 11 attacks and the war in Iraq, had earlier won the highest award at the Cannes Film Festival.

June 29, 2004
Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi announces that the Iraqi Interim Government will assume legal custody of Saddam Hussein and several other senior members of his regime the following day, and would be indicted on charges of crimes against humanity, genocide and war crimes the next day. The prisoners will remain in the physical custody of the U.S. until Iraq has a sufficient security infrastructure in place to hold them.

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