Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Jewish prof accused of being anti-Semitic

Say What Now of the Day

A Jewish York University professor came under fire recently for an anti-Semitic statement he made in class.

The hell you say? Listen up: A 22-year-old senior named Sarah Grunfeld complained to local Jewish groups that Professor Cameron Johnston had the audacity to exclaim “all Jews should be sterilized” in his “Self, Culture and Society” class.

Except that, had Grunfeld not tuned Johnston out before leaving the classroom in a huff, she might have heard him say “‘All Jews should be sterilized’…would be an example of an unacceptable and dangerous opinion.”

Luckily, Johnston managed to talk the Jewish community down from their calls to have him fired. The incident was “a very unfortunate misunderstanding,” said Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs rep. Sheldon Goodman.

Grunfeld, however, is not backing down from her claim that Johnston is an anti-Semitic Jew: “The words, ‘Jews should be sterilized’ still came out of his mouth,” she told the Toronto Star, “so regardless of the context I still think that’s pretty serious.”

I guess Sarah has never heard of an hyperbole. No question our school system is producing very attentive and focused students. Let's hope her excuse is that the class starts at 8:30 am and she hadn't quite woken up yet. But every senior knows that you avoid classes before 11 am. In fact even the freshmen know that.

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