Monday, August 29, 2011

Drunk airplane passenger performs in-flight lap dance

Sleepy early morning passengers on a flight from Moscow's biggest airport to London may have thought they were dreaming Friday when a drunken Russian woman staged erotic dances on the plane.

But crew on the 7:00 am flight from Domodedovo airport to London decided to return to Moscow as the woman, 39, a native of the Russian region of Tatarstan, was deemed to be causing an inconvenience to passengers, the RIA Novosti news agency said.

"The woman was in a state of insobriety, inconveniencing the passengers, taking off their glasses and dancing erotic dances," a spokesman for transport police said, quoted by the news agency.

The crew then announced that after just 15 minutes of flight the plane was turning back.

On arrival, the woman was arrested and taken to a local hospital to be examined, the spokesman said. The name of the airline was not disclosed.

At least she didn't relieve herself on her fellow passengers like one JetBlue passenger did earlier this month, or threaten to stab an airline staff member like one British Airways passenger did. Or Gerard Depardieu pissing all over the carpet. I bet the airline only got complaints from passengers that didn't get a lap dance.


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